Awards & Recognitions Committee


 Awards & Recognition Committee

Chair: Kyle Potts

The Awards and Statistics chair is responsible for providing the awards plaques for CCA National and Member Club Specialty shows. The chair is also responsible for annually recognizing ROM and Top Producing Sires and Dams at our National Specialty in October.

Awards and Recognition Committee Guidelines

The awards and statistics committee is responsible for maintaining current inventory (and reordering as necessary) of CCA BOV and BOB plaques and CCA medallions. Distribution of plaques and certificates will be administered as per CCA Awards Guidelines below

  1. The Awards & Recognition Committee (standing committee per CCA Constitution p.8,Art.V) Chair has supervisory duties over all award sub- committees and purchases.(Award subcommittees are: Records & Statistics, Obedience and Juniors.)

  2. Recipients of CCA awards are required to designate a substitute to receive and transport the award, should the recipient be unable to attend the ceremony. If no substitute is designated, the recipient must pay the cost of shipping the award.
  3. If an award plaque is to include a photograph, the Awards & Recognition Chair will notify awards recipients of the date by which their photo must be received. Plaques without photos will be given to those members who failed to meet the required photo deadline but whose dogs qualified for recognition.
  4.  The Chihuahua Club of America will present standardized certificates to non-members who qualify for CCA awards.
  5. The CCA has established the Chihuahua Club of America Outstanding Service Award, which may be awarded each year at the annual meeting to a Club member (per the nomination procedure described below) for outstanding service to the breed and Club.
  6. Nominations for the Chihuahua Club of America Outstanding Service Award and the Chihuahua Club of America Good Sportsmanship Awards must be by a member in good standing; said nominations shall be in writing with supporting reasons and sent to the Awards and Recognition Chair before April 15th.
    • The information concerning the awards’ nomination process will be printed in the Fall & Winter issue of the Chi-Chatter each year. The Board will review the nominations and the membership will vote on nominees. If no nominations are received in a particular year, the awards will not be given that Fall.
    • The Awards and Recognition Chair is responsible for obtaining the Chihuahua Club of America Good Sportsmanship Award and the Chihuahua Club of America Outstanding Service Plaque. The CCA President or Awards and Recognition Chair will present these awards at the Fall annual meeting.
  7. The Board will accept nominations from members in good standing for honorary and lifetime membership awards until July 1st. The Board will make a recommendation, and the membership will vote on the nominees at the General Meeting.
  8. To be eligible to receive the CCA Fall awards that recognize yearly achievements with dogs,at least one owner must be a Club member in good standing at the time the award was achieved. These awards are:Top Agility Dog of the year
    Obedience Dog of the year
    Highest Scoring Dog in Novice
    Highest Scoring Dog in Open
    Highest Scoring Dog in Utility
    High Average Scoring Dog.The CCA President or Obedience Chair will present these awards at the Fall Annual Meeting.
  9. The Obedience Chair (or a designee) will determine (using AKC records) the recipient of CCA’s Top Obedience Dog of the Year award. CCA members who win the award will receive a 12″ x 15″ wooden plaque with the CCA logo and an 8’x10″ picture of the winning Chihuahua covered by plexiglass. The plaque will read “The Chihuahua Club of America Recognizes (dog’s name) as Obedience Dog of the Year (list year)”. Nonmembers will receive a standardized CCA certificate. The award will be presented in the fall at CCA’s annual meeting to correspond with the Chihuahua Club of America’s Obedience Trial.
  10. CCA will award smaller plaques to members for the highest scoring Chihuahua in Agility, Novice, Open, Utility, and for Obedience High Average Score. The Obedience Chair will determine the recipients of these awards. The wooden plaques will be 6″x8″ with the CCA logo, and will read, The Chihuahua Club of America Recognizes (dog’s name) the award and year. These awards will be presented in the fall at CCA’s annual meeting.
  11. If an obedience award recipient is unable to attend the annual meeting, that award may be presented following the Obedience trial.
  12. To be eligible to receive CCA awards that recognize yearly achievements with dogs, at least one owner must be a Club member in good standing at the time the award was achieved. These awards are:Number One Long Coat All Breed and Number One Smooth Coat all Breed (points determined by AKC records, based on total dogs (all breeds) defeated) Number One Long Coat Breed and Number One Smooth Coat Breed (points determined by AKC records, based on number of Long Coat or Smooth Coat Chihuahuas defeated)
    All Breed Best in Show (determined by AKC records)
    All Toy Best in Show (determined by AKC records)
    Top Producing Sire and Top Producing Dam (both determined by AKC records)
    Registry of Merit.The CCA President or Awards & Recognition Chair will present these awards at the Fall membership meeting.
  13. The recipients of CCA awards for Number One Long Coat All Breed, Number One Long Coat Breed, Number One Smooth Coat All Breed, and Number One Smooth Coat Breed will receive 12″x15″ wooden plaques with the CCA logo and an 8×10 photo of the winning Chihuahua covered by plexiglass. The plaques will read, “The Chihuahua Club of America Recognizes (dog’s name) Number One Long Coat (or Smooth Coat) All Breed (or Breed), the year and the number of dogs defeated.
  14. CCA awards for All Breed Bests in Show and All Toy Bests in Show shall be a 12″x15″ wooden plaques with the CCA logo and an 8×10 photo of the winning Chihuahua covered by plexiglass. The plaques will read “The Chihuahua Club of America Congratulates (dog’s name) Best in Show All-Breed; the name(s) of the kennel club(s) and the date(s) will be listed. For Best in Show all Toy, the plaques will be the same except “All Toy” will be used in place of “All Breed”.
  15. CCA awards for Top Producing Sire and Dam shall be 12″x15″ wooden plaques with the CCA logo and an 8×10 photo of the winning Chihuahua covered by plexiglass. The plaques will read “The Chihuahua Club of America Recognizes (dog’s name) Top Producing Sire (or Dam), the year, and the number of champions finished.
  16. The Chihuahua Club of America will present a Best Junior Handler Award if the junior (must be a club member) ranks in the Junior Handler Top Ten for the year. The 6″x8″ plaques will be wooden with the CCA logo and will read “The Chihuahua Club of America congratulates (recipient) on your (year) ranking in the Top 10 Junior Handlers showing a Chihuahua”. The CCA President or Juniors Chair may present this award at the Fall meeting. Non-members will receive a standardized CCA certificate.
  17. The Awards Committee of the Chihuahua Club of America will purchase a Best of Breed plaque and will furnish Breeder of Best of Breed, Best of Breed and Best of Variety plaques for CCA’s National and Regional specialties and a High in Trial plaque for CCA’s National Specialty. The BOB plaques for the CCA Fall National Specialty and the CCA Regional Specialty will read “Chihuahua Club of America, in Recognition of Best of Breed at a National Specialty.” The Breeder of BOB plaque will read “Chihuahua Club of America, in Recognition of the Breeder of the Best of Breed at a National Specialty.” The BOB at the Regional Show plaque will read “In Recognition of Best of Breed at the Chihuahua Club of America Regional Specialty” The BOV plaques for the CCA Fall National Specialty and the CCA Regional Specialty will read “Chihuahua Club of America, in Recognition of Best of Variety at a National Specialty”. The HIT plaque will read “Chihuahua Club of America, in Recognition of High in Trial at a National Specialty.
  18. CCA will offer a BOB plaque (or BOV plaques) and a HIT plaque (if obedience is offered at the local specialty) to CCA member local clubs for presentation at their specialties: IF notified by the member club in a timely manner; and IF the CCA award(s) is published in the local member club’s premium list, a copy of which MUST be received by the Awards Committee. A letter, fax or e-mail request for the CCA plaque(s) including the date of the event and the name and address of the individual responsible for obtaining/receiving the plaque MUST be received by the CCA Awards Committee well in advance of the event’s closing date. A premium list for the member club’s event MUST also be received by the Awards Committee (a premium “proof” is acceptable). The notice that the plaque(s) are being offered by CCAMUST be included in the event’s premium list even if it is a condensed premium list. If CCA’s plaque(s) is not listed, NO plaque(s) will be mailed for the event.*** It is the responsibility of each member Chihuahua Club to follow CCA’s procedures for obtaining CCA plaques for their specialty. For a CCA member local club’s independent specialty, the CCA plaques will read: “Chihuahua Club of America in Recognition of Best of Breed at a Local Specialty”. CCA High in Trial plaques for member clubs’ independent events will read: “Chihuahua Club of America, in Recognition of High in Trial at a Local Specialty”. For a CCA member local clubs’ specialty held in conjunction with an all-breed show, two CCA plaques will be offered, once for each variety. The plaques will read “Chihuahua Club of America in Recognition of Best of Variety at a Local Specialty”. If a plaque(s) are offered, CCA will place an ad in the local clubs’ catalog, wishing them a successful specialty and including the dates and locations of CCA upcoming specialties. Once a year, the Awards Committee, using information from the current CCA membership roster, will mail each local member club’s secretary the requirements for obtaining CCA plaques for their specialty. The member clubs’ procedure for obtaining the CCA plaques will be published in each Chi-Chatter issue.
  19. The Chihuahua Club of America will award the Registry of Merit Award (ROM) to the member/owner of any Chihuahua sire (living or dead) who has produced 10 champions or any Chihuahua dam (living or dead) who has produced 5 champions. The Registry of Merit Application may be obtained from the Award & Recognition Chair. The application must be completed and mailed to the chair by the deadline date listed on the application. The Awards & Recognition Chair will present the awards at the CCA Fall Membership Meeting. The CCA will use a standardized certificate for the ROM Awards.
  20. The Chihuahua Club of America will present Awards of Merit at the Fall National Specialty in accordance with the current guidelines.CCA will use a standardized certificate for the Awards of Merit.
  21. The Chihuahua Club of America’s Show Chair or his designee will purchase identical gifts with the CCA logo for presentation to our AKC licensed judges by the CCA Show Chair at the Fall National and the Regional specialties. The Awards & Recognition Chair will procure plaques for the sweepstakes judges.
  22. For the purpose of recording Top Producing Sires and Dams, CCA will use the calendar year. (data provided by AKC).
  23. To be listed by CCA as an All Time Top Producer, the minimum offspring for Chihuahua sires will be 12 champions and the minimum offspring for Chihuahua dams will be 7 champions.
  24. The Chihuahua Club of America will pay for the AKC Awards CD subscription for the Awards and Recognition Committee.
  25. The President’s plaque will be presented by the Immediate Past President. The presentation will be made at the last meeting of the President’s term (if known ahead of time); or at the next Fall annual meeting. The wooden plaque will be 9″x12″ with the CCA logo and a gavel. The wording will be: The Chihuahua Club of America, Presented to (name), In Appreciation for Service as President from (first year through last year).
Attention Member Clubs!

The Chihuahua Club of America would love to advertise in your Specialty catalog! Please contact our CCA Secretary or CCA Treasurer today!

If your club would like to advertise in the National Specialty catalog, please contact the Advertising Chair listed in the premium list prior to the October show.

Are you aware that your AKC breed club has a Register of Merit program?

The Chihuahua Club of America’s Register of Merit program was designed to recognize and honor those notable Chihuahua sires and dams Chihuahuas that have proven themselves to be excellent producers and have made an impact on the Chihuahua breed.

The Register of Merit program is a resource of information for breeders in their quest to produce the exceptional dog envisioned in our standard of excellence and showcase those top producers who have influenced Chihuahuas in America.

The Chihuahua Club of America will award the Register of Merit Award (ROM) to the member/owner of any Chihuahua sire (living or dead) who has produced 10 champions or any Chihuahua dam (living or dead) who has produced 5 champions. The application must be completed and mailed to the chair by the deadline date listed on the application. The Awards & Recognition Chair will present the awards at the CCA Spring Rotating Membership Meeting. The CCA will use a standardized certificate for the ROM Awards.

If you think that your dog or bitch qualifies for a ROM, please fill out the form and email the completed form along with the American Kennel Club Progeny Report for the dog you would like recognized toKyle Potts, Chair of CCA Awards and Statistics.  The Register of Merit Application may also be obtained directly from the Award & Statistics Chair as listed on the Chihuahua Club of American web site.

Sires that produce 12 champions and dams that produce 7 champions are added to the Top Producing Sires and Dams listing. The owners do not have to be CCA members and there is no award given. The list is updated yearly.

CCA will offer a BOB plaque (or BOV plaques) and a HIT plaque (if obedience is offered at the local specialty) to CCA Membert Clubs for presentation at their specialties.


A letter, fax or email request for the CCA plaque(s)O including the date of the event and the name and address of the individual responsible for obtaining/receiving the plaque MUST be received by the CCA Awards Committee well in advance of the events closing date.

A premium list for the member club’s event MUST also be received by the Awards Committee (a premium proof is acceptable). The notice that the plaque(s) are being offered by CCA MUST be included in the events premium list even if it is a condensed premium list. If CCA’s plaque(s) is not listed, NO plaque(s) will be mailed for the event. . Please note that only one type of plaque is given freely by our parent club.  When both BOV and BOB plaques are requested, there is a twenty-five dollar fee for each plaque awarded of a different type.  Full details on how to obtain plaques can be found at

It is the responsibility of each member Chihuahua Club to follow CCA’s procedures for obtaining plaques for their specialty.

CCA member local clubs independent specialty, the CCA plaques will read:


CCA High in Trial plaques for member clubs independent events will read


CCA member local clubs specialty held in conjunction with an All-Breed show, two CCA plaques will be offered, one for each variety. The plaques will read:


If a plaque(s) are offered, CCA will place an ad in the local clubs’ catalogue wishing them a successful specialty and including the dates and locations of CCA upcoming specialties.

Once a year the Awards Committee using information from the current CCA membership roster will mail each local member club’s secretary the requirements for obtaining CCA plaques for their specialty. The member clubs’ proce- dure for obtaining the CCA plaques will be published in each Chi-Chatter.

Download a Copy of These Guidelines

If you are having a show, and you need CCA plaques for your Best of Variety winners, you will need to send a copy of the Trophy listing from your premium list along with your request to Kyle Potts. We ask that you give her at least a month notice of when and where you need the plaques shipped.

If you are asking CCA to submit an ad for your catalog, you will need to contact the CCA Secretary, Michele Misurelli-Gillis. The bill for the catalog insert needs to go to Annette Waldkoetter, Treasurer.

If your club would like a CCA BOB plaque, please fill out the form below, and then upload a copy of the premium list so that this can be accomplished.

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