Junior Scholarship Advisory Committee

Junior Showmanship Committee

Chair: Donna Bledsoe


The Junior Committee Chair is responsible for accepting the travel assistance request form, and forwarding it to the board for action along with their recommendation. The Junior Committee Chair is responsible for sending the Scholarship Application to interested juniors, and directing them to send the completed application to the CCA Secretary for action. The Chair is also responsible for planning and implementing some sort of activity for the Juniors in attendance at the national. This can be as simple as a pizza party, a swim night or going to a movie. The Chair will also ensure that each junior that has an entry will receive a small gift bag when they pick up their armband at the show. These bags do not need to be elaborate or expensive, rather should have a variety of fun or useable items that the junior will enjoy. It is more a statement of welcome than anything. The Chair will submit a yearend report to the President regarding any and all activity of the committee.
Travel Assistance for Junior Members


Travel assistance will be available to junior members of the Chihuahua Club of America who are attending the National show each year. Travel assistance is available to those junior members who meet the following criteria:
  1. The junior must be a current Junior Member of the Chihuahua Club of America
  2. The junior must be between the ages of 9 and 18.
  3. The junior must be entered in a Junior Showmanship Class at the Fall National show.
  4. The Junior must have competed in a minimum of (10) competitions in the previous 12 months.
  5. The Junior will be expected and must make themselves available to perform simple but helpful tasks as requested by the CCA President or Show Chair while at the Nationals.
Travel assistance funds are for the purpose of assisting the junior member with the cost of airfare or gasoline expenses while traveling to and from the Nationals. The funds are given to those juniors who are in a situation that requires monetary assistance to insure that the junior is able to attend the show. The funds will be dispersed to the parents of the junior member. The funds allocated will be a maximum of $300. If the junior accepts the travel assistance funds and does not compete in the Junior Showmanship classes at the show, the funds must be reimbursed to the club. Parents of the junior member may contact the Junior Committee Chair to apply for the travel assistance funds. The Junior Committee Chair will bring the matter to the Board for approval.
Committee Handbook for Scholarship Funds
YOUR ROLE AS A SCHOLARSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE STEWARDSHIP: As a Scholarship Advisory Committee member you have an important role in ensuring that the original intent of the scholarship fund is followed. You are a steward of the fund and its purpose. The Chihuahua Club of America asks that you promote the availability of the scholarship as well as participate actively in making awards from the fund. The Chihuahua Club of America also requests your committee create a set of guidelines and selections criteria to help administer the scholarship fund. Because many Scholarship Advisory Committees meet only once or twice each year, your presence during conference calls or meetings is critical. You will have an opportunity to review applications prior to the scholarship selection meeting. Please read the applications and come prepared for discussion. FEEDBACK. You can also play a special role in making The Chihuahua Club of America aware of concerns and issues that arise in our community. We hope you will alert us to questions and problems that people share with you about the fund you advise. You can be an ambassador helping to link The Chihuahua Club of America with the community it serves. DIVERSITY. Objectivity is the goal in all cases. Including individuals from diverse sectors of the community on the committee contributes to objectivity in discussing applications and promotes wider dissemination of information about the scholarship. While committees can function well without members representing the field of education, it may be helpful to include at least one member who has experience with issues related to college admissions and/or financial aid. IRS REGULATIONS. Please remember that IRS regulations prohibit members of Scholarship Advisory Committees and their immediate family members from applying for assistance from any scholarship fund that they advise. Members of the immediate families of Scholarship Advisory Committees can become eligible to apply with the provision that the related member not serve on the Committee during the year in which the application is considered. If you are a member of the scholarship committee and find that you must resign from your position on the committee, you can help The Chihuahua Club of America by recommending someone who you feel might make a good replacement for you.

SUGGESTED GUIDELINES 1. Selection of award recipients shall be based on a combination of merit and financial need. 2. Merit is determined by an evaluation of an applicant using the following factors:

a. High school or college transcript – as a measure of academic performance and ability to succeed; b. Extra-curricular activities – as a measure of the student’s involvement, socialization and community service; student’s involvement in the breed, both in the ring and as a caretaker. c. Volunteer or work experience – does the student have some experience in a chosen career field? d. Career and educational goals – are goals clearly stated and does the student appear likely to succeed? e. Unusual circumstances – are there family problems, personal or financial, which may make the student more worthy of consideration. 3. Awards should not exceed $1,000, and awards are limited to one award per student.

PUBLICITY Advisory committees should promote the availability of scholarships to the membership. The Chihuahua Club of America disseminates information to members regarding available scholarships, applications and deadline dates. Information and forms will be printed in the Chi Chatter, will be available from the Secretary of the Chihuahua Club of America and will be available on the club website, www.chihuahuaclubofamerica.com . PAYMENT PROCEDURES In the event a scholarship recipient graduates from a high school which presents scholarship awards at graduation or a school ceremony, the Chair of the Scholarship Advisory Committee may request that the scholarship award letters be sent to him/her for presentation. Scholarship award letters that are not presented at such events will be mailed directly to the student at his/her home address. Scholarship award letters congratulate the student on the receipt of their award, and provide the name of the fund that made the scholarship possible. The letter also includes a terms of award letter instructing the student on how to receive the scholarship award check. Before the student arrives on campus in the fall, he/she needs to notify the institution’s business or financial aid office to make the school aware of the scholarship award. ALL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS ARE MAILED TO THE STUDENT AT THEIR HOME ADDRESS. CHECKS ARE MADE CO-PAYABLE TO BOTH THE STUDENT AND THE INSTITUTION. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO PRESENT THE CHECK TO THE FINANCE OFFICE OF HIS/HER COLLEGE. SCHOLARSHIP SCHEDULE January 15: The Chihuahua Club of America contacts your committee chair or designee to discuss the following. 1. Scholarship guidelines 2. The amount available in the fund 3. A copy of this handbook; 4. Scholarship application forms (The Chihuahua Club of America Board of Directors requests that it review any application form which differs from the standard application forms provided) Feb 1: Chihuahua Club of America Committee will accept scholarship applications June 1:Deadline for Advisory Committee recommendation forms to be returned to the CCA board. Mid June: The Chihuahua Club of America Board of Directors approves the recommendation of Scholarship Advisory Committee. The Chihuahua Club of America sends scholarship award letters, including those to high school Advisory Committees to announce awards at school ceremonies or graduations. July 1: Scholarship recipients notify their colleges of all private scholarship awards. Scholarship check made co-payable to student and institution and mailed to home address.