Ways & Means Committee

Chair: Tracy Potts-Chair

Committee Members:

The Ways and Means Committee is charged with raising money for the General Fund of the club through various means during the club year.

Guidelines & Duties
Typically the committee will hold their fundraisers at the Nationals in the Fall. Examples of past fundraisers are 50/50 raffle, sales of T-shirts and Hoodies with the CCA logo on them, and the ever popular Chihuahua Bingo. The Committee does not have a set budget, rather they follow the guide of the Chair who will choose a particular fundraiser that may generate the most income.

The Ways and Means Committee is charged with raising money for the General Fund of the club through various means during the club year. Typically the committee will hold their fundraisers at the Nationals in the Fall. Examples of past fundraisers are 50/50 raffle, sales of T-shirts and Hoodies with the CCA logo on them, and the ever popular Chihuahua Bingo.

The Committee does not have a set budget, rather they follow the guide of the Chair who will choose a particular fundraiser that may generate the most income.