Chi-Chatter Newsletter

Chi-Chatter Newsletter

Editor: Michele Misurelli Gillis

Chi-Chatter Guidelines
  1. An announcement regarding any Chihuahua winning an All Breed Best In Show or an All Toy Best in Show will be published in the Chi-Chatter free of charge. It is the responsibility of the winners’ owners or agents to provide the correct information to the editor by the deadline date.
  2. It is the responsibility of the local club’s secretary to provide the results to the Chi-Chatter Editor.
  3. CCA’s Show Chair is responsible for providing both a show report and the superintendent’s report for each CCA Specialty for publication in the Chi-Chatter issue that follows each specialty.
  4. It is the responsibility of the CCA Secretary to provide the results of the class winners and up of the specialties for publication in the Chi-Chatter issue that follows each specialty. The editor must receive these reports prior to the issues’ deadline dates. (These reports are contingent upon the timely receipt of data from the ring steward or events’ superintendent.)
  5. Information re where and to whom members notify about address changes will be published in each issue of the Chi-Chatter.
  6. The procedure that local member clubs must follow in order to receive CCA plaques for their specialties will be published in each issue of the Chi-Chatter.
  7. Members and Non-members are  permitted to subscribe to the Chi-Chatter.  Members and non-members dogs may advertised in the Chi-Chatter. Any questionable advertising should be referred to the CCA Board.
  8. The deadline date for the Chi-Chatter issue that follows the annual meeting must permit sufficient time (30+ days) for the Board to nominate committee chairs.
  9. Letters to the editor will not be printed in the Chi-Chatter; the membership is welcome to address their concerns to the Board.
  10. The Chi-Chatter will be published 4 times a year. The Chi-Chatter will be put on the “members only” portion of the website, 6 weeks after publication.
  11. The CCA will publish in the Chi-Chatter, word for word, the AKC suspension of any CCA member.
  12. Each year, the Winter and Spring issue of the Chi-Chatter shall contain the following information: “Nominations for the AKC Member Club and Chihuahua Club of America Outstanding Sportsmanship Awards and the Chihuahua Club of America Outstanding Service Award must be made by a member in good standing; said nomination shall be in writing with supporting reasons and sent to the Awards & Recognition Chair. Nominations will be accepted until April 15th. The Board will review the nominations and forward them to the Election Chair, for the vote of the membership. If no nominations are received in a particular year, the awards will not be given.
  13. The following will be printed in the Winter and Spring issues of the Chi-Chatter. The Board will accept nominations from members in good standing for honorary and lifetime membership awards until July 1st. The CCA Board will make a recommendation to the membership at the Fall General Meeting.