CCA Lifetime Members
May be conferred upon members of long standing by recommendation from the Board and ratified by 2/3 vote of the membership present at the Club’s spring or annual business meeting. Lifetime members have full office holding and voting privileges but do not pay dues. Lifetime membership shall not be conferred upon more than one person (or two if husband and wife) in any Club official year.
Mina Anderson
Viola Burgos
Darwin Delaney
Dick Dickerson
Frank Farkas
Sylvia Farkas
Chuck Hale
Myrle Hale
Martha Hooks
William Hooks
Max Hurd
Jim Lehman
Dolores Kasner Masley
Richard Miller
Nancy Shonbeck
Edith Sykes
Gilbert Sykes
Bill Trautwein
Shally Trautwein