Elections Committee

Election Committee

Chair:Rachel Miller

Committee Members:

Guidelines & Duties
Election chair is to wait for the slate of officers from the nominating committee which is then sent to the board to be approved. When the board has gone over the report and deemed it sufficient the Chair will then send it on to the teller, Bear Associates no later than June 5, to be printed and mailed to the members.

Election Chair and Committee must confirm that all candidates send in their bios to be put on the ballot for the membership to have in their decision as to whom they will vote for.

Election Committee must ensure that everything is mailed on schedule as stated in the constitution and by-laws. The slate has to be post marked to go to the members by June 15, then the members have until July 15th to file a petition if they desire to run for a position and were not on the slate.

CCA ballot has to be out to the members by September 1st and returned by the date listed on the ballot. The election chair’s job is also to make sure that any members that did not receive a ballot will be mailed one. 

All ballots will be mailed to Bear Associates and counted then the report will be mailed to the election chair at the hotel to be read to the membership at the annual meeting.