CCA Handbook Committee

CCA Handbook Committee

Chairs: Beverly LaFleur

The concept of the handbook was first introduced in 1987 – the purpose is to provide a service to our breed.  It is published approximately every 4-6 years.

Guidelines & Duties
The Handbook Committee is responsible for soliciting information for the handbook’s three distinct sections:

  1. Articles and Club History – information of interest to the breeder and Chihuahua fancier.
  2. The Pedigree Pages – Used to trace bloodlines and breeding programs.
  3. Advertising

After approval of the Board, all contracts pertaining to CCA Handbooks will be signed by the President, with copies of the contracts given to the President and Secretary

The Pedigree Pages in the Handbook will be available for Conformation and Companion titles.   Other certificates held by those dogs can be included once the initial qualifications are met.