Membership Committee

Membership Committee

Chair: Belinda McCormick 

Committee Members:
 – West Central
Tina Bregman -East
Sarah DeVilla – West
Annette Waldkoetter – East Central

CCA’s Membership Committee will observe a confidentiality agreement that NO information (includes applicant’s name) regarding applicants for CCA membership may be made public by the Membership Committee until the information has been published in the Chi Chatter.

The duties and responsibilities of the Membership Committee are conducted on approximately a 3-month cycle.

Duties, Responsibilities & Guidelines
  1. All applications for individual membership are reviewed as they are received. Applications should be complete, signed and accompanied by a check or money order for the current dues plus a $10.00 processing fee. Each application must be accompanied by two completed and signed Sponsor’s questionnaires.
  2. Sponsors cannot be from the same household. Each current member can only sponsor two applicants per calendar year. Individuals must be a full member of the CCA for a minimum of one year before sponsoring an applicant for CCA membership. Sponsors must know an applicant for a minimum of one year prir to completing the sponsorship form that is included in the membership application with the exception of Junior applicants.
  3. The Code of Ethics MUST be included as part of each Chihuahua Club of America membership packet.
  4. A local club’s application form for CCA membership is to include the local club’s membership roster. Providing falsified information on local clubs’ applications for CCA membership will void those applications, accompanying funds will not be refunded.
  5. No membership applicant’s name will be published, nor should the membership committee vote on the applicant until all application fees have been credited to CCA accounts.
  6. All applicants will be notified by the membership chair when application has been received and is being processed. All applicants will be informed that the process can take over six (6) months to complete.
  7. If additional information is needed, the applicant will be notified by the membership chair with an explanation of what is required to complete the application and the missing information will be requested at this time.
  8. All correspondence will be conducted between Applicant and Membership Chair.
  9. The applicant’s name, address, phone and sponsor names are recorded in a database kept by the Membership Chair.
  10. Checks and money orders are sent to the CCA Treasurer on an income form, supplied by the Treasurer.
  11. A list of pending candidates is submitted to the editor of the Chi-Chatter before the publication deadline. This list should include the candidates’ name, and sponsor’s names. The editor will publish only the candidates name and sponsors.
  12. The membership application allows for a home visit by a CCA appointed representative. The committee should make arrangements for either one of the committee or a CCA appointed representative to visit each applicants home, if they have not been visited by either of their sponsors and report back to the committee.
  13. If anyone in the membership has concerns with regard to a potential member, they should write to the Membership Chair within FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS of publication of the Chi-Chatter in which that potential member is listed. In accordance with the Bylaws, SECTION 3, anyone who applies for membership in the CCA, will be notified of any correspondence written about them and have an opportunity to respond. Any response from the candidate must be received by the Membership Chair three (3) weeks prior to the date the candidate will be voted on.
  14. The committee should discuss any concerns received by the membership and vote on the applicant as to their eligibility.
  15. Copies of all applications are mailed/or emailed to the Membership Committee members thirty (30) days after publication in the Chi-Chatter, together with any comments received from the membership at large. The packet should also include a cover letter, ballot and self-addressed, stamped envelope for the convenience and timely return of the ballots, if this ballot is conducted via regular mail.
  16. The recommendations of the committee should be reported to the CCA President, after all ballots are returned from the committee and tallied. If the committee has voted against a candidate, the recommendation should include the reason why they were denied membership together with any written correspondence in the report to the CCA President.
  17. Candidates for membership will be voted on by the Board four times per year. When the Board votes on applications, if the Board has a concern regarding an applicant, it is to be allowed to be discussed in executive session. If not resolved in executive session, that person’s application would be tabled until the next scheduled Board meeting. The applicant would be notified and allowed to respond to the Board’s concerns.
  18. The CCA President will poll all CCA Board members and notify the Chi-Chatter editor and Membership Chair of new members and members not accepted. The editor of the Chi-Chatter will publish in the next issue the name, complete address and phone number of each new member.
  19. The Membership Committee chair will inform new members of their acceptance with a congratulatory letter. Included with the letter should be a membership card and a copy of the CCA Constitution & Bylaws.
  20. The Membership Committee chair will notify, in writing, any applicants who were denied membership and will include a CCA check in the amount of $25 as reimbursement for dues submitted.
  21. After 2 consecutive years of membership. Members may request to receive a CCA pin which may be picked up from the Membership Chair at the Annual Specialty or mailed to them for a $5.00 fee.