Nominating Committee

CCA Nominating Committee

Chair: Christie Foulk – West

Committee Members:
Penny Tuominen – East
Sheryl Wineburner– West Central
Cherry Parker- East Central


2019 Nomination Form

Timeline for Nominations


  1. The Board of The Chihuahua Club of America appoints the Nominating Committee within thirty days of the start of the Club’s official year. The committee shall consist of five members, one chosen from each region, plus a chairperson, all members in good standing, no more than one of whom may be a member of the current Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee may conduct its business by email, mail, conference call , facsimile machine or other device transmitting written text to all committee members. The committee shall always s be subject to the final authority of the Board.
  2. The Nominating Committee Chair shall review and be familiar with ARTICLE III, SECTION 1, SECTION 2(b) and ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4 of the Chihuahua Club o f America Bylaws.
  3. The Nominating Committee shall publish the positions eligible for nomination to the Membership page on the CCA website as well as the CCA Yahoo membership list well ahead of the deadline for nominations to inform the membership of any Board positions being filled that year, together with their contact information. Those interested in anyy of the positions will have an opportunity to contact the Nominating Committee before the deadline to express their interest.
  4. The Nominating Committee Chair shall contact each member of the nominating committee and request at least one, preferably two nominations for each office and for each position on the Board of Directors, if they have not received any interest from the membership.
  5. The Board member shall give his/her input as to eligibility of each candidate and how they would work with the current Board. No member shall be considered who is not willing to commit to participating in the various Board Conference calls and Board meetings as well as attending the CCA shows.
  6. Each prospective candidate will be asked to sign the Board pledge (attached) before their name is considered for nomination.
  7. The chair will instruct each committee member to check the eligibility of each member they intend to nominate in accor- dance with ARTICLE III, SECTION 1 of the Bylaws before contacting him or her. They must also procure the acceptance of each person chosen (before their name is submitted) to be placed in nomination and to serve if elected. Geographical representation of the membership in selecting the candidates for the four Vice-Presidents positions must be considered. (See ARTICLE III SECTION 2(b) and ARTICLE III, SECTION 5.
  8. The following criteria shall be considered for eligible candidates for nomination
    1. An understanding of club management and function
    2. Experience in club service (committee work)
    3. A willingness to actively serve the best interests of CCA
    4. An ability and commitment to attend the General meeting each year
    5. Length of active membership
  9. When all nominations are received from the committee it shall be the responsibility of the Nominating Chair to review the eligibility of each candidate nominated in accordance with the Bylaws.
  10. The Nominating Chair shall send a ballot to each committee member with the names of all candidates nominanted for voting. They can be accomplished by mail, email or may set up a private poll online. The Communications/Publications committee can assist in getting the mode of voting set up for the Nominating Chair if required. The names of the candi- dates receiving the greater number of votes will be sent to the Election Chair by JUNE 15th in accordance with the instructions in Article IV, Section 4 of the Bylaws.
Board Guidelines

  1. Board members will be present at both the Regional and National shows held in October, be present and active on the board conference calls, and be active in the discussions that are here on our list. Computer access is easy enough to get these days. Any of us can use a computer at the library if we do not have access to one at home.
  2. Each of us were elected by our peers. We were elected to represent them and work for them. We can not do that if we are not present and active at the shows. We all need to be present at the meetings and actively doing the work of the board.
  3. We understand that from time to time, there are life events that will keep us from being at one activity or the other. However, this does not preclude our participation in that event at some other level.
  4. If however, any board member is unwilling or unable to commit to these expectations, or they are not able to be present and active during these events, they will be asked to step down and allow someone else to step up that will be able to better serve the club at this time. (SR1 Nov10)




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