Join us for the 2024 TOP 20

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Top 20 Catalogs
Chihuahua Club of America Top 20
To showcase excellence in Chihuahuas, the CCA sponsors a Top 20 event. This event is a part of the CCA National and is intended to educate and entertain judges, exhibitors, breeders and fanciers. This event provides special recognition to those Chihuahuas with the most outstanding records in the show ring during the previous calendar year, together with their breeders, trainers and owners. The event provides a continuing incentive to strive for Chihuahuas to excel in structure, movement, temperament and conformation to our written standard.
The event offers all who attend a chance to view the very best Chihuahuas in the Country based upon their competitive standings for the previous year. Using the scale of points, each dog is evaluated according to how closely it conforms to the breed standard. This procedure is not available at any AKC show and allows the spectators an opportunity to evaluate the dogs, scoring them at the same time to see how individual views can produce a concensus decision, which can then be compared to their own impressions.
The Top-20 Competition is a CCA “Special Attraction” rather than an AKC-Sanctioned event and is therefore not governed by AKC’s Rules Applying to Dog Shows or other AKC rules, procedures or policies except as may be otherwise provided herein.
Statistic % Eligibility
- A dog may win the Top Twenty Award just
- If past winners of the CCA Top Twenty qualify as below they will not be allowed to compete in the Top Twenty or People’s Choice Award. However, they will be invited back as “Exhibition Only”.
- Qualifying dogs are those ranked in the Top 20 (breed or all-breed) AKC
- The Top 20 Qualifiers are determined by the AKC’s All-Breed and Breed statistics. The reports are purchased from the AKC by the Top 20 Committee. When there is a tie(s) within the rankings, the committee will include the next eligible Dog(s).
- To compete in this event, all owners and co-owners of finalists must be in good standing with the AKC & CCA (if members) at the time the invitations are extended and at the time of the All dogs must be eligible at the time of the event to compete in AKC events.
In order to eliminate any possible perception of impropriety, the following prohibitions will apply:
- A person listed on the slate of judges for the current year’s CCA National Specialty Show, may not exhibit or have a dog exhibited in the CCA Top Twenty. The dog, if qualified, may be shown “exhibition only”.
- No dog that is owned, co-owned or shown by a member of the CCA Top Twenty committee or a member of their family as defined in AKC rules can compete at the Top Twenty Invitational event. The dog, if qualified, may be shown *exhibition only*
- The CCA Top Twenty qualifiers will be sent a CCA Top 20 invitation to participate in this There is an entry fee to be returned with the entry form and other required information accompanying the Top Twenty invitation by the noted deadline on the entry form.
- Invitations to appear for Exhibition Only will be sent to previous winners of the The opportunity to purchase a double page of advertising in the Top 20 catalog and/or a ribbon(s) is available for nominal fees.
There will be three (3) judges for the CCA Top Twenty event. There will be one judge from each of the following three categories

Established chihuahua breeder who has bred chihuahuas for at ;east 10 (ten) years. The Breeder Judge may not own or co-own either a dog in the Top 20 competition or it’s sire or its dam.

A person approved by AKC to judge Chihuahuas: not a breeder or owner of Chihuahuas, having judged the breed for five (5) years.

A professional handler, either active or retired, who meets the requirements for membership in a Professional Handlers Association (though not necessarily a member). The Handler judge must have at least (5) five years experience. The Handler judge may not have shown a chihuahua for an owner of a dog in the Top 20 competition for two (2) years proceeding the event. In addition, the Handler Judge may not handle any dog at the CC National Specialty Show of associated Chihuahua Specialty Shows that is owned or co-owned of a Top 20 entrant.
Excluding from judging this event:
- Any person actively serving on the CCA Top 20 Committee including family
- Any person who has previously judged a CCA Top Twenty event in any of the three categories in the past seven (7)
The Top 20 Committee will select the judges in each of the three judging categories. Each participating Committee member may nominate up to one or two (1-2) judges in each category and forward the names to the Top 20 Chairman. The Top 20 Chairman, after reviewing the nominated judges for eligibility, will forward the names of the eligible nominees to the Top 20 Committee members. The participating Committee members will respond to the ballot, marked in priority order, to the Top 20 Committee Chairman who will tally the ballots.
The Top 20 Chairman will secure the acceptance of the winning nominees, based upon availability. The names of the winners in each category will be revealed only to Committee members.
It will be the Top 20 Chairperson’s responsibility to insure that the judges understand that their election must remain totally confidential.
The Top-20 Committee reserves the right to modify the above-described Top-20 Rules, as necessary and appropriate, and will use its reasonable best efforts to communicate any material revisions in theTop-20 Rules to CCA members and other interested parties by posting the Top-20 Guidelines on the CCA website.